A long standing wish to have my own plugin submitted to the WordPress directory got fulfilled today, and despite the name I do think people might enjoy it :-)
To be sure: Prettier HTML Email Comment Notifications plugin is not an extensive masterpiece of WordPress development, rather a modest but useful piece of code to simplify and beautify the notifications one receives when someone comments on one of your posts. Also notifications for trackbacks/pingbacks are included.
It basically makes HTML email notifications look better (this plugin is to be used alongside a HTML plugin such as WP Better Emails or WP Email Template) by replacing links with buttons and images and hiding private details such as IP address and email.
Let’s have a look what an email notification would look like after someone reacts to a post:
Now doesn’t that look nifty? With due thanks to Jonathan Penny (http://www.jonathanpenny.co.uk) who provided the base coding with his ‘Custom Comment Notification Plugin’!!
To download simply click this link, soon available on WordPress.org.
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